Thursday, September 1, 2011


Not enough of us truly experience joy. Well, I did today. I got the privilege of babysitting my nephews for a couple of hours today. We had a blast! I have the music from the Disney movie, Rio, and lemme tell you... it's FUN music! So, we got to dancin, and Joseph was cracking me up!!

Oh,  the faces he makes!! Here's another....
Although he looks a bit frightened in this one, I assure you, this IS a dance move of his... hey man, dance is subjective.

Work it, work it... yeah! I tell you, I was laughing so hard watching him dance. I couldn't get any good ones of Matthew.. his eyes were always half-closed, or he wouldn't face the camera.. you know, kids' stuff.

I haven't laughed as hard as I did today in a LONG time!! It felt really good! I am so thankful for a God that gives us funny things in life to laugh at.... like the cutest brown boys in the world.



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