Friday, August 26, 2011

Dealing with Dealing

I have an anger problem. These are the facts. Usually the way I deal with my anger is to cry and withdraw by myself. I can work up a really heavy crying spell that can last for hours. Being here at my sister's I've had a couple of doozies. I'm working with a wise friend of mine, Gloria, and she is helping me recognize and deal with my anger in healthy ways. The first way is improving my relationship with God, and confessing my anger. The second way is to recognize the feeling not as truth, but as a fleeting "thing" that I need to allow to pass by me, like a car in traffic.

This is all wonderful advice because I have found myself become exceedingly angry at my husband for "sending me away". Not being allowed to return home whenever I want makes me feel like I'm being punished, and who ever loves their punisher? So step one is to let go of my anger toward Joel.

One thing that helps is to put myself in his shoes. I believe I couldn't have endured even half of what he has over these past four years. I would have given up a long time ago. Another thought I have is, that if he can love me and be my rock all that time, isn't it only right that if he needs this time to rest that I give it to him?

Why is it so easy to think about myself? If being selfish were a sport or a job, then either way, I'd be rich.

A verse that is helping me today is
Romans 12:12
rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer

and to prove my time here has its' wonderful moments, here is just a taste of the cuteness I get to play with every day.



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